

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Elizabeth Edwards and Optimism (Jane Hirshfield) and Signs (Hazel Collister Hutchison)

Boy, I am wrestling with my feelings after just hearing that Elizabeth Edwards died today.  I considered her a kindred spirit, a cancer buddy, a hopeful and resilient woman.... hopefully just as I am.  I was standing in the kitchen making brisket (ok, I've never made brisket before, but Katie made me do it), and out of the blue came the announcement on the radio.  I panicked.  I ran to the radio and turned it up; I lost it just a little.  I cried.  Katie looked at me and asked what was wrong, and I had to tell her that a brave woman, someone who made everyone feel as if they knew her, had disease just like mine and had died.  I hadn't even known she was sick.  I felt so vulnerable and sad and scared; the immediacy of my reaction surprised me a little.  I hadn't really realized how much I identified with her.  I rolled over in bed and cracked a rib a year before she did, and I am not the one who's dead.  Hmmmmm.  In fact she and I actually chatted just a little about our situations at a conference several years ago; she did indeed have a wonderful way of making everyone feel as if they knew her well.   Funny, I have been feeling pretty together, full of hair and hope, and most of the time able to exercise and feel normal.  I don't feel so normal right now.  But I don't feel alone, either.  There are so many of us out there dealing with something hard--illness, divorce, unrest, poverty, war, loss of  employment, aging parents, many things combined, whatever.   You know, I think it is most of us. Maybe it is the season, but there is both sadness and hope in the air.  Elizabeth Edwards, you were a role model and an inspiration to me, and I mourn your death and hope you meet your young son again who died years ago.  For all of us still here struggling with our own burdens, may we find a way to take time out to relax,  to focus on what we can be grateful for, and to feel the hope and wonder of this divine season.   How about a few poems.  The first is something I believe I have shared before, but it is wonderful, and it is in tribute to Mrs. Edward's resilience and spirit. The second is by a wonderful poet from Cleveland who's book has Marc Chagall illustrations-- called "Toward Daybreak".

Optimism (Jane Hirshfield)

More and more I have come to admire resilience.
Not the simple resistance of a pillow, whose foam
returns over and over to the same shape, but the sinuous
tenacity of a tree: finding the  light newly blocked on one side,
it turns in another. A blind intelligence, true.
But out of such persistence arose turtles, rivers,
mitochondria, figs--all this resinous, unretractable earth.

Signs (Hazel Collister Hutchison)

If it is a new star
Not still and very far,
It is the one,

If a glory makes the ground
Yearning up to light and sound,
Do not wait.

It may be a dark king
Bids you go
Or angels shining in a ring,
You will know.

And be sure to keep away
From walls of a house.
Look for mystery in hay,
Wonder in cows.

Cheers to all


paradise said...

Thank you for sharing your deepest feelings...difficult as they are...with us. You are a wonderful writer and we all benefit from your words. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the courage to touch your own mortality so intimately... and to so help me touch mine as well.

Your writing is a gift: Thank you.