

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Waving Goodbye (Wesley McNair) and Yes (ee cummings) to it all

Really, does it get any better than this?  A perfect night, the girl who holds your heart, all your buddies together all night, your senior prom.  I think back on it, and I don't have quite the same memory.  In fact, I cringe when I think of the creamsicle-colored, polyester gown my mother made me wear....  Oh well, I spent about an hour with all the other parents (boys' and girls') taking pictures and truly just watching the parade of these beautiful kids having such a wonderful time being together.  Many of Will's buddies had on their crazy lacrosse rings, which are about the size of a bread box, requiring that the boys  hold their fingers apart all night, but no matter.  They look cool!

All the parents stayed behind after the kids left, and I think we all felt the acute weight of these kids in our lives, and how much we will feel their absence.  For me, a great deal of this feeling comes from this vast web of people he has woven into our lives---friends, girlfriend, sister who so loves the girlfriend, girlfriend's brother who loves the boyfriend, girlfriend's parents, friends' parents--this whole cast of characters and connections are such a part of our lives and will be sorely missed.  There we all were watching the kids drive off wondering where the last 18 years went.  Actually, I found the evening so comforting because we were ALL feeling the same way.  So, we turned on the Kentucky derby and had a drink and incredibly therapeutic.   I highly recommend it under similar circumstances.  This poem is a little sad, but mostly bittersweet; which is just what I'm feeling--sadness, and in the same moment, gratitude, deep thanks, and excitement about what's coming.........  I also include a lovely piece I think I may have sent over 2 years ago about gratitude.  (This was hit home again today at this wonderful little church in the bulletin. I KNEW I liked this place.)

Waving Goodbye

Why, when we say goodbye
at the end of an evening, do we deny
we are saying it at all, as in We'll
be seeing you, or I'll call, or Stop in,
somebody's always at home? Meanwhile, our friends,
telling us the same things, go on disappearing
beyond the porch light into the space
which except for a moment here or there
is always between us, no matter what we do.
Waving goodbye, of course, is what happens
when the space gets too large
for words – a gesture so innocent
and lonely, it could make a person weep
for days. Think of the hundreds of unknown
voyagers in the old, fluttering newsreel
patting and stroking the growing distance
between their nameless ship and the port
they are leaving, as if to promise I'll always
remember, and just as urgently, Always
remember me. It is loneliness, too,
that makes the neighbor down the road lift
two fingers up from his steering wheel as he passes
day after day on his way to work in the hello
that turns into goodbye? What can our own raised
fingers to for him, locked in his masculine
purposes and speeding away inside the glass?
How can our waving wipe away the reflex
so deep in the woman next door to smile
and wave on her way into her house with the mail,
we'll never know if she is happy
or sad or lost? It can't. Yet in that moment
before she and all the others and we ourselves
turn back to our disparate lives, how
extraordinary it is that we make this small flag
with our hands to show the closeness we wish for
in spite of what pulls us apart again
and again: the porch light snapping off,
the car picking its way down the road through the dark.

And by e.e. cummings:

i thank you God for most this
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of
and a blue true dream of sky; and
for everything
which is natural which is infinite
which is yes

1 comment:

Mailizhen said...

How I love both these poems. And how I relate to the bittersweet, grateful, on the verge of tears feeling, watching these children of ours and wondering how it all happened so fast.